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Red Time

Red Time

If time were red, could it be mapped? How would we find tomorrow?
Would the surface climb be as steep as Mount Kilimanjaro?
Could we race upon its surface? Or slide down a sheer incline?
Would shadows hide pernicious years when suns won’t rise and shine?
If time were mapped like paths in space, could we go back and forth?
In terms of time, what relates to up/down East/ West, South/ North?
We’ve heard of worm-holes and black holes, where space is brutalized.
In terms of time, will this scheme apply? Can a plan be utilized?
If time were red and twisted, could we share another day,
with someone we love and miss? Could the heartache ever go away?


Written for:  “tomorrow”

Also Posted for:

Theme Thursday

Theme Thursday for November 24, 2011 – TOMORROW

I made the map on MATLAB:

[X,Y] = meshgrid(-8:.5:8);
R = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2) + eps;
Z = sin(R)./R;
camlight left; lighting phong
Plus, I rotated AZ -36  El 58