birth, death it’s all the same

Egg Island

birth, death it’s all the same

in a distant hamlet nestling
twenty four days
past the solar calendar
fruits drink from the source
equinox flowers have their own mind

the festival of seedling stars
music, flowers, incense
central ceremonies to commemorate spirit
income offerings rise and fall
all remembrance has connection

duck eggs broken over tombstones
shells lost in graves
candle lighting worships surnames
parchment and silver paper
lit to honor ancestors
weeds burn and then the forest

descendants of lush auspicious signs
believe in the fortune of childbirth
longevity payments made
to surrounding soil
a hoe mixes eggshells into the ash

calamities have befallen
the exiled hero seeks auspicious signs
a hollow tree, switchgrass
yet there’s nothing but desolation
and a forgotten tomb festival
that she alone attends


Hear this on chirbit


Written for:

Magpie Tales – Mag 112

Also posted on:

B is for Butanding

Photo Credit: djajakarta

About zongrik

For those of you who do not know the handle "zongrik," that would be Bat-Ami Gordin. Most people call me "Tammy." Bat-Ami means "daughter of my nation" in Hebrew. It's a heavy name to carry around. I answer to either name. I also answer to "mama." Some Basic Things about me: Animal lover, mom, poet/writer, dramatic soprano, photographer, teacher/tutor, CERT/Technician and, oh yeah, aerospace engineer. I consider myself "The Astro-Poet." To learn more about the origins of the word "zongrik" see whats-a-zongrik?

Posted on April 8, 2012, in ABC wednesday, Magpie Tales, Sunday Scribblings and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 39 Comments.

  1. It appears so desolate with a mixture not really apparent between life and death.Wonder what life form exists. Great verse zongrik!


  2. the festival of seedling stars

    I’d fancy attending one of those! You’ve managed to catch the weird atmosphere of the photo in your words…

  3. This is outstanding! Fabulous take on the picture!

  4. Wonderful write…I specially like these lines:

    duck eggs broken over tombstones
    shells lost in graves
    candle lighting worships surnames
    parchment and silver paper

  5. dang…the duck egg stanza rips from top to bottom…this is a really strong write..and i like it much…one of my favs for the week so far…

  6. The phrase Heaven likes, puzzled me as to meaning,
    (duck eggs broken over tombstones,
    …candle lighting worships surnames
    parchment and silver paper)
    I don’t have a mental reference for them,
    that being said,
    love the poem…
    the words seem to flow,
    beginning to end.
    Peace and love,
    Siggi in Downeast Maine

  7. The emptiness comes through.

  8. oh my this is superb!

  9. LOVE this line: “equinox flowers have their own mind”

  10. Truly lovely writing Tammy. The images that spring to mind the lines invoke are all there in vivid detail.
    This has to be one of my most fav’s of yours.

  11. The emptiness of ritual is underlined here, and there is some nice alliteration which grabs attention.

  12. nicely done…and thanks again for sharing your words

  13. Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio

    Always deep currents and vivid imagery running through your writings!

  14. You present such a powerful series of images in this. The overwhelming feeling is one of desolation and emptiness. Excellent piece.

  15. Really strong write, so vivid with the duck eggs and tombstone.

  16. I think you’re right – it is all the same… and yet we do seek those auspicious signs, only to find there is

    nothing but desolation
    and a forgotten tomb festival
    that she alone attends

    poignant, I like your poem very much

  17. This is one of my favorites of your, Tammy.

  18. I think I could read this several more times and love every second of it.

  19. Astro~nomical Mag!

  20. so much going on here,i like it very good write.

  21. This poem is a powerful yet peaceful blend of wonderful social traditions. The symbols and imagery are craftily woven in and out of the explanations. This was so beautiful to read,Tammy. Thank you for sharing. Happy Spring. =D

  22. Love your ceremony of truth..the alpha and omega of it all!

  23. I love this. Hoeing shells into the soil…rich words.

  24. Long may the Hamlet like duck egg continue to make his longevity payments !

  25. Strong and vivid with a richness of language.

  26. Well done. I’m glad I visited today.


  27. I love this, surreal 🙂

  28. I love how u titled it and the whole of it…


  29. Oh, you got so much from this–rich and wonderful. Thank you.

  30. A beautiful series of ideas! But especially love the atmospheric image in the last few lines!

  31. one great continuum!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  32. I constantly marvel at your prolific ability to write such beautiful words!

  33. wish I could write like you!

    Set of B’s
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  34. Dear friend,
    You have captured the reader with this one. Very deep and well written.

  35. Birth and death keep inspiring people to write, paint art or compose music. Thanks for participating in the ABC meme.
    Wil, ABC Team.

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