Monthly Archives: August 2011




he leaves because he must

this, he recounts each time

he has no need or care for feet

to touch the solid ground.


on to a dumpy dock town,

he sails away once more

in my possession, his treasure,

digging into my diaphragm.


This is being posted on

Image Credit: Art at

The Kiss

Der Kuss By Gustav Klimt

The Kiss

there is someone who
at initial sighting

immediate knowledge
manifests: lifetimes

have been shared
between the two.

an urge drives
to pounce upon

this darling,
this warrior

who has reappeared
in this passing life.

strangers hesitate.
a moment, another

moment, then,
with telesthesia,

you take each other
as if you are owned.

the brain violently churns
a torrent of serotonin.

that kiss has been since
you two were torn asunder.

then all that can exist
is primordial flash.


Written for:

The Gooseberry Garden

Poetry Picnic Week 2 – kiss

Also posted on:

Love one another

Also Posted on:

Back of the Class

Bored to Death in the Back of the Classroom

Back of the Class

sitting in the back of class
is a daunting pain in the ass

if you are someone very tall
you may not like the rear at all

its hard to hear the teacher speak
and smell armpits stinking reek

bordom leads to distraction
paper airplanes just for action

pencils flying, watch your eye
out that window, see the sky

those in front get better grades
at least pull down the window shades

the guy on the right is a tool
i wish my mom would do homeschool

i count the days for school to cease
so i can sleep at home in piece


Sometimes it’s just fun to write silly little rhymes. This was a back to School Assignment.

I posted this for:

Picture from :

Opportunity on Mars

Metal on the Plains of Mars

scouting fallen parts

some are mine and some are not

Mars – my only home

garbage strewn throughout the land

metals of the gods and man


This waka was posted for The Purple Treehouse  the “assignment” was to write a WAKA, which is a form of classical Japanese verse that ends up being 5-7-5-7-7. Go to the link to find out more about it, if so it should please you.

Also posted on:

Open Link Night ~ Week 38

The picture comes from:

The image credit is Mars Exploration Rover at JPL

This is a very interesting picture. I am copying the explnation from the Astronomy Picture of the Day page:

Explanation: What has the Opportunity rover found on Mars? While traversing a vast empty plain in 2005 in Meridiani Planum, one of Earth’s rolling robots on Mars found a surprise when visiting the location of its own metallic heat shield discarded last year during descent. The surprise is the rock visible on the lower left, found to be made mostly of dense metals iron and nickel. The large cone-shaped object behind it — and the flank piece on the right — are parts of Opportunity’s jettisoned heat shield. Smaller shield debris is also visible. Scientists do not think that the basketball-sized metal “Heat Shield Rock” originated on Mars, but rather is likely an ancient metallic meteorite. In hindsight, finding a meteorite in a vast empty dust plain on Mars might be considered similar to Earth meteorites found on the vast empty ice plains of Antarctica. The finding raises speculations about the general abundance of rocks on Mars that have fallen there from outer space.

Apollo and The Two Muses

Apollo and The Two Muses
By: Pompeo Batoni

Apollo and The Two Muses

The Muse cease not to inspire.
They sing paeans, by the droves.
They measure our memories.
They shield Beauty in counterpoint.
Their daughters bring us magic.
in the sound of the wind and sea.

Apollo guards our tunes
which flutter toward shelter
in the guise of the warbler.
Apollo churns harmonic overtones
on a his palladium flute.
He completes the cadence
of our imperfect days.


Written for:

Prompt: muse

Also posted on Monday Morning Writing mythology

Also posted on:

OpenLinkNight ~ Week 41

The picture is from artsunlight – Apollo and Two Muses. The Artist of the painting is  Pompeo Batoni (Italian 1708-1787) Roman school Rococo




Upon the crests,
Through wild swells,
A plunge onto reef.

Drenched in biting waves:
sails shred to rags,
deck reduced to splinters.

Wind tossed sideways.
An intoxicated stagger.
A drop into a flume.

A blackened sky
blinked like aflare
of plasmic streams.

Moaning angels wais
as haven’s structure
fragment into tribulation.

Elaborate ferocity.
A drowning grave.
Unplanned evacuation.

Countless souls
will never recapitulate:
no more to hearth or lodge.

But for one, vicissitude,
unknown loneliness,
perhaps an ounce of heroism.

Beneath a sopping sky,
upon a ship that spins,
life slips out at sea.


I wrote this for:

challenge – “shipwreck.”

Also posted on:

The Gooseberry Garden
Poetry Picnic Week 17:Photos, Nostalgia, Memories, and Families

The picture is from:

I wish I knew more about it. It’s very cool.

moving forward

Pit Bull Stats

moving forward

resurgence of authentic prophets
be real, lift the veil.

respect all the sentient.
re-surge and revolt.

declare unconditional love
as you make them stop the pain.


Hear this on chirbit


I wrote this for the  challenge called forward.

Also posted on:
Jenny Matlock
Alphabe-Thursday Letter M

The picture is from:

only in isolation

UncertainMe and all her AmbiguousValues

only in isolation

adjacently, it’s rough, in a jagged way,
as it tickles a bare shoulder;
it was just a breeze.

conceptually devoid when
listening retrospectively
an invention that both teaches
and transforms, maybe in a book.

at her next gathering, so complex
she validates the ultimate algorithm
housing in the rurals.

will she build using inherited space?

only in isolation:
     twisted air.


This is being posted

Photo Credit:

The Sestina of KT

The Sestina of KT

If they could only see her face
and the pride in executing these techniques.
Was she a work horse freed from her stable?
No! She is as free as the optical bird
flying above the Earth. “Oh Hubble!
I’ve come to fix your trouble!”

Nation: take time and trouble
to see freedom upon the face
of the attendant of Hubble;
with extraordinary skillful technique
holding a caged wing of the broken bird
drifting downtide toward a distinguished stable.

It takes an astronaut with style so stable
to considers it no trouble
to liberate a fellow solar bird:
reflections of white diamonds in the face-
mask of a sorceress, practicing her technique,
on the broken parts of Hubble.

Caged in her two hands is Hubble,
reconnoitered in its high tech stable
responding to input of dexterous technique:
There is nothing trivial about this trouble.
Road lights are maps of highways on the face-
plate. “How high am I?” asks this American bird.

The wings flap and waver as the paneled bird
escapes her hands. She looks down on Hubble.
The muscles relax: a smile on the face
of a woman who is able, to stand in the stable
of the horses of Apollo. It is no trouble
going forth with privileged technique.

She found her own working techniques
as her tired, heated wings, like a bird
of prey, were cooled by the flowing troubled
draught. She prays for answers from Hubble,
in a universe which may be expanding or stable;
to report the narrations on time’s face.

A rollout of new technique re expresses Hubble
as this thunderbird escapes by a flaming stable.
No more trouble upon this angel’s face.


Written for:

Matt Quinn challenged us to a Sestina. I wrote this in 1993, when astronaut Kathryn Thronton fixed the Hubble Telescope along with her fellow astronauts.

The other astronauts called her KT. She teaches at University of Virginia now.

Here NASA bio:

Her bio currently at UVA/Engineering Department

Restricted Souls

Lonely Desert Tunnel

Restricted Souls

A procession of mules to his eminent domain is
a revolutionary reverie to restrict them all.

His abode always has been the outcast plane;
A hellish domain meaning to restrict souls of all.

‘Tis an archane desolation fogenshrouded by his
medieval alchemy that control’s the souls of all.

Sonic booms, over his orthodox solitude
shake up his sermon as he restricts us all.

Vertical transition. Instantaneous cadence
of a pious man who’s soul must restrict all.

Currency is worthless next to liver or spleen.
Bribes never pass on his plate: he restricts it all.

He sees through diamonds, worn by all.
Hide your gems, lest his soul restrict all.


Written for:

 D’verse Poets Pub.

John Alwyine-Mosley challenged the poets  to write a Ghazal. Please go to the link to learn more about this form.

People seemed to have stopped giving real critiques and are back to saying how much they liked things. I don’t learn anything from just compliments. Please, people who hate this, tell me why. People who actually do like it, how can it be improved.

Photo credit goes to me. It’s a tunnel just north of Tehachapi, CA.

Posted on The Thursday Think Tank #57 – Loneliness