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Three Senryu about Gems


Three Senryu about Gems

gems worth more than gold
souls that by chance encounter
poetic spirits

shedding woeful tears
when she fancies her gem lost
musky scent now gone

pride in opulence
aggrandizing lavish gems
a symbol of wealth


Posted for:

Prompt #102 “gem”

Also posted on:

haiku my heart

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Restricted Souls

Lonely Desert Tunnel

Restricted Souls

A procession of mules to his eminent domain is
a revolutionary reverie to restrict them all.

His abode always has been the outcast plane;
A hellish domain meaning to restrict souls of all.

‘Tis an archane desolation fogenshrouded by his
medieval alchemy that control’s the souls of all.

Sonic booms, over his orthodox solitude
shake up his sermon as he restricts us all.

Vertical transition. Instantaneous cadence
of a pious man who’s soul must restrict all.

Currency is worthless next to liver or spleen.
Bribes never pass on his plate: he restricts it all.

He sees through diamonds, worn by all.
Hide your gems, lest his soul restrict all.


Written for:

 D’verse Poets Pub.

John Alwyine-Mosley challenged the poets  to write a Ghazal. Please go to the link to learn more about this form.

People seemed to have stopped giving real critiques and are back to saying how much they liked things. I don’t learn anything from just compliments. Please, people who hate this, tell me why. People who actually do like it, how can it be improved.

Photo credit goes to me. It’s a tunnel just north of Tehachapi, CA.

Posted on The Thursday Think Tank #57 – Loneliness