Monthly Archives: May 2013

The Language of Chocolate

Chocolate Drops

Chocolate Drops

The Language of Chocolate

Tear drops of chocolate smeared in my ear —
extraordinary, epicurian embraces
melt my eyeballs, dissolve blissfully,
tasty as they roll in my avaricious pockets,
auditory melting on the granite surfaced table.

I long to covet them with genitalia:
delusionary cure-all, clearly, an exacerbated desire.
Appreciated gourmet of flatulent aroma:
rejuvenate, tone, percolate pock scars — abounding,
left dry, to fight off ants, and terrify hungry bees.


Hear this on Sound Cloud


Written for:

Synesthesia–Sensory Confusion, or…?

Victoria C. Slotto prompts us to “…play around with mixing up those senses. It’s not necessary to write a complete poem in synesthesia, just include an incident in which you invite your readers to taste, or see, or hear, or touch, or smell something that defies the sense you are using.”

Image Credit: Bat-Ami Gordin  © 2013 all rights reserved, credit if you use it, please.

Sexy Hits the Streets

for cat

Sexy Hits the Streets

retro-ethnic, ultra-elaborated, seemingly fumbling.
stylized euro haut nerd, tantalizingly puzzling.
irritably snuggling. culture jammed juggling.
breaking every curfew; playing without struggling.

padded exterior, vegan interior.
hands in pockets, a screwed up sneer.
hiding high tech hardware; antiquated software:
hollow products marketed by deluded grandeur.

clam-shelling her cell phone, into a comma.
emerging from trauma, perpetual drama.
surrounded by lobotomized, inaccessible nirvanas.
never wears pajamas, has too many mamas.

she doesn’t need batteries, intrepid, bi-legged.
strolls nonchalantly on an invisible grid.
aqueously translucent, cloudless, pellucid.
butt-side down, with flippant, fetid method.

in-focus, sharp, progressive equation.
a-rhythmic, a-temporal: low level potation.
curated, moving art of bio-mass accretion.
inhalation, provocation, seductive-temptation.


Hear this on Sound Cloud


Written for:

Poetics: It’s Tempting!

Sorry no image this time.