Monthly Archives: December 2011

Five Prop Door Senryu

Prop Door

Five Prop Door Senryu

neighbor’s door ajar
welcomes all this bright new year
sympathetic home

neighbors loud music
recommence contemplation
when one shuts the door

the living room ghost
floated past the fireplace
i ran toward the door

someone closed the door
i am dying for fresh air
chokingly dusty

through welcoming doors
obdurate misconception
extract from darkness


Written for:

haiku my heart of a new bright year

Also posted on:


Photo Credit: Bat-Ami Gordin  © 2011 all rights reserved, credit if you use it, please.

Last Day of the Last Year

The Last Sunset

Last Day of the Last Year

on the last day, of the last year
we will wait at dusk in awe and fear
the cold sky colors will become too warm
the clouds will begin to take strange form

naysayers have predicted a year of gloom
so we will run for shelter in a hidden room
to live inside ourselves each day
where we will not watch those news-casts play

we will wonder what will come to pass
beyond the plains, and dried out grass
our tides might flood the shores and banks
armies might deploy lasers on their tanks

but who’s to say it will be bad
that we will become raving mad
they say the planets will align
but it could be just seven, not all nine

if this coming year, truly is last
if our futures have already been cast
then the last year, is also rebirth
resulting in a much better earth


Posted for:

Poetics: FormForAll – Couplets for the New Year

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and Peppermint Candy Camellia

Also posted on: Wordless Wednesday

Picture Credit: Bat-Ami Gordin  © 2011 all rights reserved, credit if you use it, please.

Spoiler Alert

Jimmy and Mom

For today’s liv2write2day’s Blog Fiction, Poetry and Writing Prompts, Victoria wrote, “As we approach the end of the year and the beginning of another, a theme inspires me: endings.”

She went on to assign, and here, I have blended some of her choices, “Write a poem or a piece of short fiction about an ending/write a poem with a surprise ending.”

I have been watching Boardwalk Empire, and thought I could…well, if I told you, it would be a spoiler alert to the spoiler alert, so, read the story, and you will probably figure out how I got this idea.

Spoiler Alert

As he read, she stood over his shoulder, undaunted, grinning. As he read the last few paragraphs, he started shaking his head, for he sensed what was to come.

“Throughout the acclaimed series, I debated whether the style was Jacobean or Elizabethan. As I attempted to properly label the dramatic style, each episode, nay, each scene, brought me back and forth, like an amusement park The Pirate Ship ride. My mind maneuvered, like an Aston Martin in an early Bond movie. Clearly, there were aspects of The Godfather that were parallel to both Macbeth and the Henry IV trilogy. Undoubtedly, any given episode maintained characteristics of The Revenger’s Tragedy.

“As a connoisseur of award winning television drama, I was seduced into watching two full seasons back to back. The opening of the stylish, expressionist, HBO period piece, was directed by  Martin Scorsese himself.

“Finally, as I salivated over the virtuosity of the final episode of the second season, I could concede to only one formal designation: Greek Tragedy.

“Of course, within the voluminous works of that era, only one work parallels. Thus, the spoiler alert of the week: Boardwalk Empire is the most Oedipal of all contemporary dramatic works ever to…”

He stopped reading. Her smile faded, “What? Is it that bad? Too over the top English-major? What?”

“No,” he kissed her on the forehead. “this is your best writing ever, well, at least for your Spoiler column. Hon, I don’t know how to tell you this, but, that wasn’t the end, it wasn’t the last episode, it was second to last.”

“OH!” replied the loquacious English Major, “oh.”


Photo Credit: © HBO 2011

Also posted on

Poetics-Endings & Beginnings

Five Senryu of Review

Five Senryu of Review

review your email
after a long vacation
so much nasty junk

December morning
review important events
before it’s too late

review your routine
be proud of your commitments
else adjust your days

count your sheep at night
review your accounts by day
don’t mix the numbers

clean your minds thoughts
banish negativity
balanced brainpower


Written for:

Sensational Haiku Wednesday

This week’s theme is: Reveiw

Also Posted on:


In Tandem #18

haiku my heart

One Single Impression – Prompt 20: Renewal

Executive Take Over Limerick

Innovative Approach

Executive Take Over Limerick

A young bureaucrat stepped on some toes
when some changes he did dare to propose.
He reorganized his wing
then revised every thing
now he sits where had past CEOs.


Written for: Limerick-Off Monday  Dip Your Toes In Limericks

Photo credit: CartoonStock

ornamented joshua

Yucca with Ornaments - Tanka

ornamented joshua

stout gymnospermous?
Yucca brevifolia
bedecked with trinkets!
does it make a difference
when it's time to celebrate?


I found this on Dawn Road, in Rosamond, CA 93560, USA
Coordinates – 34° 54′ 12″ N 118° 09′ 51″ W

Some people might refer to this as the middle of nowhere.

Posted and written for:

dVerse Christmas

Also posted on:
Take Our Banner

Prompt: festive

And also written for:
Picture Credit:  Bat-Ami Gordin  © 2011 all rights reserved, credit if you use it, please.

loose collars

Yeoman Smith

loose collars

a cracked face caught in a laugh
looming in one hundred years of nocturnal love
the pictures were the attraction
we forgot to breath
as our fingers were extended

i love the taste of a miracle
and put it in the back of a soup
immersing it in status quo

i spent too much on energy
proliferating here and there
frustrated in the sweetest pain
extending fingers in melodic hum
at the door of ecstasy

the world expanded
when i loosened my collar
negligent criminals
betrayed their friends
and forgot to breathe


Written for:

Imaginary Gardens

A Word with Laurie

Write a poem with the word “ecstasy” in it

Also posted on:


Image Credit:  Classic Star Trek Women – Yeoman Smith

Four Spirit Senryu

Angle Sky

Four Spirit Senryu

it’s not how you dress
recognize your inner self
push the envelope

souls that met by chance
kindred spirits tied by night
random encounters

body in stillness
hovering spirit above
constant loneliness

only knowing love
fasinating spirit guides
lead us through life


Written for:

Sensational Haiku Wednesday

This week’s theme is: Spirit

Also posted on:

Poetic Forms : HAIKU (Week 4, A Repost)

Photo Credit: Angel Sky Unlimited

why celebrate the holidays

Cinderella Break

why celebrate the holidays

why celebrate the holidays
in a tree
when you can ride a pumpkin
and scuff  its pungent crust

why celebrate the holiday
with family
when you can sip ginger tea
while burning a cinnamon candle

why celebrate the holiday
and succumb to gravity
when you can pirouette on point
with the rat king

why celebrate the holiday
traveling by sea
when warm colored leaves
gamble their lives in the wind

why celebrate the holiday
in thoughtful study
when you can play with words
in creative fulfillment


Written for:

Jingle Poetry
Short Story Slam Week 17

Also Written for:

Imaginary Gardens
Open Link Monday – December 19, 2011

Also posted on:

W is for…

Image Credit:  Chance of Sunshine: Cinderella On Her Tea Break

Red-eyed White Rabbits

IN 2004 over 260,000 laboratory rabbits, and some 43 percent of those individuals were subjected to tests that caused pain, distress, or both, sometimes without any drug relief.

Red-eyed White Rabbits

Pickled snake skin
     with dehydrate rat bone.
Red-eyed white rabbits
     with broken upper ribs.

Spotless does in comas.

Black cats who
     hiss for seven years
     at distorted images.

Lot’s spilled wife lying
     beneath the top
     of a fallen ladder.

Syrup of Ipecac
     dropped in hyrdoxilic,
     abdominal acidic,
     autistic, vaults.

On a rubbery trampoline,
     duplicitous confusion.
Stalled in time and space.
     escape from millenniums.

Tempestuous winds abrade.

A glowing platinum plug
     in a tight denim pocket.
The nocturnal wail
     of an emergency vehicle.
A wire hanger abortion
     performed with
     callused fingers.

Shorn off limbs.

Young flesh
     kept from life,
     torn by raptor talons.

Composite filaments
     bond thoughts to fantasies.

Subterfuge and games
     trudge on Euphoria.

Impregnated with dubious gloom.


Posted for:

Poetics: Contrast

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Picture Credit from:  Advocacy For Animals