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Things Could Be More Reliable

Smiley On Mountain

Smiley On Mountain -> This has nothing to do with this poem, but it’s an Eight Lane Road, so I think it fits the overall theme. Besides, I think the living embodiment of an emoticon on a mountain is a very cool concept and needs to be published.

Things Could Be More Reliable

Things could be more reliable:
piss water tea, more stale than old;
valves that leak with familiar beat.
I will only come here at night,
boulevards emptier than roads,
dim lights glow from windows of homes.
So many memories, where I cry,
buried in your shoulder with grief.


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Written for:

Poetics Of The Road

Also posted on:

Poetry Pantry #249

Today, I wrote the poem for D’verse Poetry prompt by billgncs to write an Octet, which is an eight line poem. For more of a challenge, we could write 8 syllables per line and also try to make it be about the road. So this is my attempt.

Image Credit: Bat-Ami Gordin © 2015 all rights reserved. Credit if you use it, please.

The Befuddled Flatulent Blogger

Troll Tweeting

Troll Tweeting

The Befuddled Flatulent Blogger

Palpable perplexity burns into his face,
round and round. Malodorous gases smell
as he writes his blog. Then, he twitters in place

for his odious histrionics are such a disgrace
and his feedback is a bombshell.
When palpable perplexity burns into his face,

ambiguous other worldliness will trace
upon his demeanor. Repugnancy will dwell.
He will write his blog and twitter in place

like a chronic, unhinged, mental case.
As he puts negativity on each brain cell,
palpable perplexity burns into his face.

He grumbles about the reeking rat race.
He does not think. He can just rebel,
write his blog, twitter in place,

denounce all in his knowledge base,
make obnoxious noises, pollute and pummel .
When palpable perplexity burns into his face,
he composes his blog and twitters in place.


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Written for:

The Art of Villanelle

Today, I wrote the poem for D’verse Poetry prompt by Grace to write a villanelle. According to The highly structured villanelle is a nineteen-line poem with two repeating rhymes and two refrains. The form is made up of five tercets followed by a quatrain. The first and third lines of the opening tercet are repeated alternately in the last lines of the succeeding stanzas; then in the final stanza, the refrain serves as the poem’s two concluding lines. Using capitals for the refrains and lowercase letters for the rhymes, the form could be expressed as: A1 b A2 / a b A1 / a b A2 / a b A1 / a b A2 / a b A1 A2.

Image Credit: Bat-Ami Gordin © 2015 all rights reserved. Credit if you use it, please.

Evaporate until you Lenticulate

Julius Caesar's Death

Julius Caesar’s Death

Evaporate until you Lenticulate

Don’t blubber and philosophize
in the act of pantomime.
Don’t blare and trumpet platitudes
as you premeditate tyrannicide.
Don’t pillage and falsify,
disrupt activity,
as you fanaticize,
and build public opinion on premises.
Don’t biodegrade and evaporate
until you lenticulate
into vaporous aloofness.
If you pillage all those
to whom you relate,
you will never erase despair,
but will fishtail
down the highway
and slip on glass
that penetrates brain cells.


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Written for:

Hello-ing and Good-bying, Sort of.

Today, I wrote the poem for D’verse Poetry prompt by Victoria to write a poem incorporating a rich use of verbs. Because this week was the Ides of March I thought I’d write something about what Julius Caesar should have been aware.

Also posted on:

Poetry Pantry #244

Image credits: Julius Caesar Biography

in state, faithful lying

Linear Crowds by jasinski

Linear Crowds by jasinski

in state, faithful lying

in state, faithful lying:
refusing, denying.
truth, perplexing
mystifyingly obscuring.

holistic accepting.
unconditionally hesitating.
abstractly self-deprecating.
fastidious circumventing.

precision reporting,
resourcefully delegating.
by no means hesitating,
unilateral regulating.

through scope: gawking,
pixilatingly defining.
control authenticating:
could be devastating.

renaissance rendering.
prehistoric investigating.
forever epoch making:
ethereal resurrecting.


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Written for:

OLN – Celebrating Poetry!!!

Image credits: Linear Crowds by jasinski on Deviant Art

Popsicle on a Stick

Lancaster Municipal Stadium with F-18 on a Stick

Lancaster Municipal Stadium with F-18 on a Stick

I live in Antelope Valley, which is more than one city, but the Valley has one theme in common and that is Aerospace. The City of Lancaster has an Aerospace Walk of Honor, and for a monument, you can see an old F-4, mounted. The Air Force community calls this static display a Popsicle on a stick.

There are Popsicles on Sticks all over Antelope Valley, even in front of our farm team stadium. So that is what I decided to write this poem about. I threw in some imagry on baseball, food, smells, Popsicles and sticks.

Popsicle on a Stick

don’t drink
much at home
but at the
it’s delicious

first glance
not-world class
but good enough
in any language

salon du chocolate
it is not
but someone got
taken out
for a dog or two

diesel overpower
rosin scent, over
ash, hickory, maple
and beer that smells
like stinky cheese

pop tail
wind tail
wind pipe
it’s on a stick

on a stick
with a bat
club on strike
whack a mole
thwack it back


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Written for:

City Songs for Poetics

Today, I wrote the poem for D’verse Poetry prompt by Gabriella to write about a city. But the City I live by is Lancaster, CA so I chose to write about the closest thing to a square, the display in front of the stadium.

Image credits: The Hangar, home of the Lancaster JetHawks Lancaster, California

focused implementation

Program Management in Perspective

Program Management in Perspective

focused implementation

customer driven, evolved metric oriented
critical chain event methodology,
strategizing focused implementation
of variation reduction application,
traditionally providing
money making strategies,
iterating phases, sprinting a relay
for a more people-centric perspective
within a single scaled correctable
goal reaching continuous feedback,
future reshaping managed program .


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Written for:

Meeting the Bar ~ Jargon, Buzzwords and Management Speak

Today, Tony Maude prompts us to be thinking about the poetic possibilities of using Jargon, Buzzwords and Management Speak to create a poem

Image credits:  Orbor Digitial – Program Management and More

Born to Strife and Contention

Hamas Hangs Children to Act as Human Shields

Hamas Hangs Children to Act as Human Shields

Born to Strife and Contention

when will and passion are removed,
when resistance double-talk
is branded onto never-ending anxiety,
when determination and satisfaction
are as fundamental as food,
a mind-blowing similitude is imprinted
of one’s self crawling over pulverized concrete,
as the gnawing sound of military boots
carries out abductions for victims
headed toward open graves.

why make weapons of destruction,
if not to inaugurate a bloody war,
to spate abuse and death by genocide,
to create statistics of shelved body parts
and to encourage irrational ideology?

chilling to the teeth,
tranquil in scorching sun,
courage is to be remembered.
dogmas and –isms draw us
into the non-poetry of decomposition.
coexistence mutates into an abstract,
bipolar state of observance and malevolence.

when level-headed ethics never prevail,
and macho men rampage with sincerity,
madness undermines every rational practice
of benignity and simultaneity.

left untenanted, in our public world,
impotent diplomatic development
extorts us to applaud like a game show audience.

when the statistical death count,
and the itemizing of landing points,
and the remembrance of range
and the particularization of cultural transformations
is so unlimited that no one can distinguish
between the beginnings and the end of combat,
then puerile decapitation shall fail to enrage.


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Written for:

Poetics – War Poetry

Today, Gabriella prompts a war poem.


Hurricane and Jordan: White House Protectors

Hurricane and Jordan the Belgian Malanois security dogs that help stop White House intruders this week.

Hurricane and Jordan the Belgian Malanois security dogs that help stop White House intruders this week.

Hurricane and Jordan: White House Protectors

invitation to White House, never sent.
unknown suspect calls for attack:
an issue of trespasser versus master.

trained to highest degree,
their world is to bark an alert.
watchdog inclination; vigilance strong
sufficiently powerful to kill a bear
they might, to kill, as well as guard.

peaked species. barking in this case,
would not protect at word of command.
an act of whim, seen in expression.
lead removed, in existential wind.

were punched ‘til they cried,
but held on, with calcified canines
tearing flesh and bringing down
the gatecrasher.

praised with delight for
performance, outstanding
impressed by a touch.

though trained to pounce,
each would rather wave a tail, actively
through the wind, beckoning stray cats
to play in the garden.
life is not easy,
when always on alert.


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Written for:

Meeting the Bar ~ I’ve Got a Little List

Today, Tony Maude prompts a list poem.

Image credits: Meet White House guard dogs Hurricane and Jordan In USA Today

Hubble — Poem in Pleiades Form

 To celebrate the 21st anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope's deployment into space, astronomers at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md., pointed Hubble's eye at an especially photogenic pair of interacting galaxies called Arp 273. The larger of the spiral galaxies, known as UGC 1810, has a disk that is distorted into a rose-like shape by the gravitational tidal pull of the companion galaxy below it, known as UGC 1813. This image is a composite of Hubble Wide Field Camera 3 data taken on December 17, 2010, with three separate filters that allow a broad range of wavelengths covering the ultraviolet, blue, and red portions of the spectrum.

To celebrate the 21st anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope’s deployment into space, astronomers at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md., pointed Hubble’s eye at an especially photogenic pair of interacting galaxies called Arp 273. The larger of the spiral galaxies, known as UGC 1810, has a disk that is distorted into a rose-like shape by the gravitational tidal pull of the companion galaxy below it, known as UGC 1813. This image is a composite of Hubble Wide Field Camera 3 data taken on December 17, 2010, with three separate filters that allow a broad range of wavelengths covering the ultraviolet, blue, and red portions of the spectrum.


Hazy tidal bridge with
hot and bright newborn stars
has lopsided structure
highly warped from the plane.
How this spiral pattern
hauls swaths of blue-jewel stars
hitched to galactic disks.


Hear this on Sound Cloud


Written for:

MeetingTheBar: Pleiades

Today, Vandana Sharma prompts us to write a Pleiades Form Poem. This consists of seven lines, each line starting with the same letter as the title. The title is a single word. Preferably it should be about space, which is NO PROBLEM for me.

Image credits: NASA Rose of Galaxies

Notes From A Metro Line

Search and Rescue inspect the subway after 9-11 attacks.

Search and Rescue inspect the subway after 9-11 attacks.

Trade Center - MBTA Silver_Line

Trade Center – MBTA Silver_Line


Dverse poets asked us to write about what we learnt or felt about times that have gone from Darkness to the Light. Since tomorrow is the anniversary of 9-11, I decided to write a poem about the destruction of the subway, a rather dark place, even when there aren’t terrorist attacks. However, since WTC came down, the MBTA station has been rebuilt and is quite a bright and beautiful place.

Notes From A Metro Line

fragile arcs caught by gleaming hues
weave magic, elude sight.
silver crowned unicorns
curl on incoming rainbow,
decamp south
to lodge from journeys end,
awake from oblivion,
like jewels on an inanimate face.

embittered minutemen
on the express, caress collision.
metropolitan heroes
crushed on rush hour train,
breathe the stench
of another’s warm lunch sandwich,
slick lettuce curled,
no time for consumption.

subway spray overlays
vacuous white non-visaged,
empty headed faces forward —
flutter in spiritual positions
most humans occupy these days.

on the intimate horizon,
though a dark pane,
a plethora of iridescent
glow-in-the-dark paint splatter
stupefies artistic vision.

green ocean spray choreography
river snakes unnoticed,
stealing along shiny park grass,
through faux city boulevards
dumped beyond urban walls.

as we ride the rattle can,
angels fly in masterpieces
strewn around fairy tale readings
found in museums above.


Hear this on Sound Cloud


Written for:

Poetics–Bringing Light to Darkness

Image credits: wikepedia entry World Trade Center (MBTA station) and North Shore Journal Article September 11 – photos to remember that day