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Abandoned Sofa Senryu


Abandoned Sofa Senryu

against a brick wall
no value without cushions
abandoned sofa


Written for:

Magpie Tales Mag #92

Photo Credit: Christine Donnier-Valentin

The Kiss

Der Kuss By Gustav Klimt

The Kiss

there is someone who
at initial sighting

immediate knowledge
manifests: lifetimes

have been shared
between the two.

an urge drives
to pounce upon

this darling,
this warrior

who has reappeared
in this passing life.

strangers hesitate.
a moment, another

moment, then,
with telesthesia,

you take each other
as if you are owned.

the brain violently churns
a torrent of serotonin.

that kiss has been since
you two were torn asunder.

then all that can exist
is primordial flash.


Written for:

The Gooseberry Garden

Poetry Picnic Week 2 – kiss

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Love one another

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