Portrait of Grace

Grace was an officer for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and was stationed in Lancaster, California, USA. She had been an officer for five years at the time of our meeting and decided to become a police officer because she liked to help people.

I met her at a ceremony memorializing the death of police officer Sgt. Steve Owen. They had renamed a popular park in Lancaster in his name. Grace, other officers, some local officials and various citizens assembled to honor Sgt. Owen.

It was very sad because At the time we met, it was just after the Las Vegas shooting 2 LA County sheriff’s employees were among the wounded. But the officers were brave and came to the memorial despite the tragedy that befell our nation.

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21-P by Phenomenon

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Wordless Wednesday
Have fun with all those pumpkins!!

Image Credits: Bat-Ami Gordin ©2017 all rights reserved. Credit if you use it, please.

About zongrik

For those of you who do not know the handle "zongrik," that would be Bat-Ami Gordin. Most people call me "Tammy." Bat-Ami means "daughter of my nation" in Hebrew. It's a heavy name to carry around. I answer to either name. I also answer to "mama." Some Basic Things about me: Animal lover, mom, poet/writer, dramatic soprano, photographer, teacher/tutor, CERT/Technician and, oh yeah, aerospace engineer. I consider myself "The Astro-Poet." To learn more about the origins of the word "zongrik" see whats-a-zongrik?

Posted on October 24, 2017, in ABC wednesday, photography, Portraits, wordless wednesday and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Good to know her!
    She is doing a great job.
    (You may like my faces of India series. )

  2. Excellent portrait of Grace and excellent write up about her. I can only imagine the pain suffered by her and fellow Deputies and by the concerned citizens.I did the Sgt.Steve Owen memorial run and saw the support of multiple law enforcement agencies across the country from Florida to the LAPD and was honored to be there for him. This was another tragedy that befalls on our country and I want to thank Grace for service to all of us.

  3. Good to know Grace. Very cheerful.

  4. a sad time in deed and so much violence

  5. tough lady…. always admire people who choose that profession

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-WEDNES-day / – week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  6. All of this violence is so crazy and difficult.
    judee@glutenfree A-Z blog

  7. I hope her fellow officers are going to be ok. She looks like a strong woman!

  8. Vegas was horrific.

  9. Wow, kudos to Grace:) L.A. is not an easy city to be an officer!

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