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During Dave’s life, he cycled through a vast majority of the spectrum of baseball: he played, he coached and he umped both baseball and softball. At the time that we met, he was only umping softball.

Dave had stopped being an Umpire for baseball because, “baseball got to be so long and it took longer and longer and longer.” The last baseball game he umped involved the San Diego Padres spring training game against Team Canada and it took about three and a half hours. After that he said, “I’m never going to do this again. And that was the last game of baseball I ever did.”

Dave thought the World Series of 2017 was great, “I was kind of hoping that Houston would win.” But he wasn’t a fan for any particular team, “I grew up in a minor league club, so it was a lot of fun when I was growing up to see all these guys go to the majors, but I don’t really have a team.”

Dave was originally from Rochester, New York, USA. He found himself in California after serving as a missionary in Arizona, then moved to California to join his parents. 

Rochester was famous for the Eastman-Kodak company, the one that made wonderful film, like Kodachrome. He worked there as a machinist and a tool and die maker. I decided to stylize his portrait to look like an old 1960’/1970’s Kodacolor film, to honor his roots.

Not only did Dave work for Eastman-Kodak, but he also played fastpitch softball for the Eastman -Kodak corporate team.

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21-U by Melody

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Image Credits: Bat-Ami Gordin ©2017 all rights reserved. Credit if you use it, please.