slowly, it had to last

Two Parts of the Road as a Whole by Borg de Nobel

slowly, it had to last

slowly, it had to last.
the musky scent behind the ear;
an oily tipped nose;
eyes shielded from the sun;
a taste on both sides of the tongue.

he has no family now.
he wandered off —
two parts to the road
made him whole
when the end was near.


Hear this on chirbit


Written for:

Poetics: Borg de Nobel

Photo credit: Borg de Nobel used with permission

About zongrik

For those of you who do not know the handle "zongrik," that would be Bat-Ami Gordin. Most people call me "Tammy." Bat-Ami means "daughter of my nation" in Hebrew. It's a heavy name to carry around. I answer to either name. I also answer to "mama." Some Basic Things about me: Animal lover, mom, poet/writer, dramatic soprano, photographer, teacher/tutor, CERT/Technician and, oh yeah, aerospace engineer. I consider myself "The Astro-Poet." To learn more about the origins of the word "zongrik" see whats-a-zongrik?

Posted on August 26, 2012, in D’verse Poets Pub, Poetry and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 24 Comments.

  1. I like this best of all your poems I’ve read.

  2. A taste on both sides of the tongue is just lovely; and the end is especially strong. K.

  3. such a strong piece.. when a taste has to last for the rest of the way cause that’s all that’s left, this is so hard…and you so made me feel him…he seems to have found peace in a way though…

  4. “A taste on both sides of the tongue”…I would love to know what inspired your chosen thoughts…so cool. The second stanza sounds melancholy…but resigned with what is…

  5. very neat. really cool take on the painting. a taste on both sides of the tongue is a really cool line. great ending as well, two parts to the road made him whole when the end was near. Nicely done

  6. Nice reaction to the painting and some good phrases

  7. For one moment I thought it was the curtain call for the elephant. It seemed somewhat relevant. ‘He wandered off ……when the end was near’


  8. I like that too, a taste on both sides of the tongue. Not so good that the end is near though.

  9. The thought here is as mystical as the title of the painting. I like that, leaves everything to the imagination of the reader while suggesting resignation mixed with a dose of confidence.

  10. nice…a taste on both sides of the tongue…but also the coming back together at the end…that feels true to me…

  11. I love your word choices. The ambiguity leaves much to the reader’s imagination, especially since I’m not familiar with the books, but I like that.

  12. an interesting take on the picture, for sure. I love your word choices, and how much you manage to capture with this.

  13. very pleasing to the senses, especially the first stanza…

  14. Also like the tongue line and the wrap around of the two parts of the road made for a great ending.

  15. Really touching. I like how you reused the title of the painting in your poem.

  16. Ooooh, this is so good. You create such a heavy, thought-provoking mood.

  17. I specially like the first stanza ~ lovely taste to my tongue ~

  18. Very well done. I enjoyed it!

  19. Nice take on the painting. It was a great one for a prompt–all of the poems I’ve read that were inspired by it are so different. I agree with everyone else that the taste line is fabulous. I think the lines leading up to it make it even stronger than if you had placed it higher in the poem–there’s a nice flow there. I also love that you worked the title of the piece into it, which seemed to be significant to the artist rather than a random choice. Thanks for your visit as well!

  20. nice – but what is the G?
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  21. very unusual painting and great write for it!

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