Opportunity on Mars

Metal on the Plains of Mars

scouting fallen parts

some are mine and some are not

Mars – my only home

garbage strewn throughout the land

metals of the gods and man


This waka was posted for The Purple Treehouse  the “assignment” was to write a WAKA, which is a form of classical Japanese verse that ends up being 5-7-5-7-7. Go to the link to find out more about it, if so it should please you.

Also posted on:

Open Link Night ~ Week 38

The picture comes from:  http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap110731.html

The image credit is Mars Exploration Rover at JPL

This is a very interesting picture. I am copying the explnation from the Astronomy Picture of the Day page:

Explanation: What has the Opportunity rover found on Mars? While traversing a vast empty plain in 2005 in Meridiani Planum, one of Earth’s rolling robots on Mars found a surprise when visiting the location of its own metallic heat shield discarded last year during descent. The surprise is the rock visible on the lower left, found to be made mostly of dense metals iron and nickel. The large cone-shaped object behind it — and the flank piece on the right — are parts of Opportunity’s jettisoned heat shield. Smaller shield debris is also visible. Scientists do not think that the basketball-sized metal “Heat Shield Rock” originated on Mars, but rather is likely an ancient metallic meteorite. In hindsight, finding a meteorite in a vast empty dust plain on Mars might be considered similar to Earth meteorites found on the vast empty ice plains of Antarctica. The finding raises speculations about the general abundance of rocks on Mars that have fallen there from outer space.

About zongrik

For those of you who do not know the handle "zongrik," that would be Bat-Ami Gordin. Most people call me "Tammy." Bat-Ami means "daughter of my nation" in Hebrew. It's a heavy name to carry around. I answer to either name. I also answer to "mama." Some Basic Things about me: Animal lover, mom, poet/writer, dramatic soprano, photographer, teacher/tutor, CERT/Technician and, oh yeah, aerospace engineer. I consider myself "The Astro-Poet." To learn more about the origins of the word "zongrik" see whats-a-zongrik?

Posted on August 28, 2011, in D’verse Poets Pub, Poetry, The Purple Treehouse and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 41 Comments.

  1. Very creative…thank you.

    ☮ Siggi in Downeast Maine

  2. smart writing, wow.

    keep it up.

  3. very,very cool!,Tammy the pic is amazing.

  4. i really like the turn line in the middle…and its double meaning…

  5. Perfect mesh with words and pictures. Really do adore that closing line.

    Great work here.

  6. very interesting work, well done.

  7. Clever. Sad we have our litter on other worlds.

  8. some are mine and some are not…
    love this.

  9. metals of the gods and man..this is really cool tammy

  10. Interesting perspective. And I love that last line. =)

  11. this has a feel of distance and closeness at the same time..’metals of the gods and man’…speaks to me. haunting and uplifting, and loved the pic 🙂

  12. beautiful write… very open as well – these words could relate to so many different issues. nice

  13. I loved reading your reflections here..interesting explanation as well!

  14. Are we sure it isnt an alien B ball relic – a left over from spacejam 2 – lol

    Jordan could have slammed it there! mike could be the gods for sure – one on one 😉

    loved the concept tammy – it really delivers a vibe 🙂

  15. he could be the gods… or beat them even 🙂

  16. This is so fricking cool…
    Just wow.
    Thanks for the read!
    PS. As has been said, I love how open this is. It can be related to at least a dozen issues when I do some math in my head…
    Smart you are ~_^

  17. I agree with Arron, this one has a vibe that immediately appeals.

  18. Love these lines:
    “scouting fallen parts”
    “Mars – my only home”

    I read your explanation, but I thought you were talking about the body, the way it falls apart, it being our only “home,” the trash we eat, the chemicals (and other things) that we ingest.

  19. This is fantastic and your explanation makes it more so.

  20. Nice form…I specially like the last line ~

  21. Very intriguing. The picture is amazing and your prose compliments it admirably.
    RYN: I added the ‘in my room’ line because it was the prompt for the Carry on Tuesday blog and had to be included someplace through the prose, it was the only place I could think of to ‘fit’ in with everything….Haha

  22. I like to try and support Keith’s COT blog… Okay..chalk one up to you… you got me 😉

  23. Very interesting post and poem!

  24. Lots of things out there in space, never knew any of that about Mars, maybe it’s just those martians screwing with us too…haha

  25. Gah–how desolate that expanse is–the debris seems almost like expensive landscaping, relieving the eye from the stark monotony. Liked the poem much.

  26. metals of the gods and man–very cool poem and I being ignorant about form–have not heard of Waka before–but I like how the form feels on the page–great write!

  27. Dug the being from Mars and stating not all the stuff is ours. Very cool.

  28. Fascinating, both poem and explanation.

  29. This is cool. I didn’t know anything about the opportunity rover before. Nor did I know about the WAKA either. Love how you piece ties in perfectly to your write up at the end, and the part about Gods in there, love that. Thanks

  30. Janaki Nagaraj

    so true.

  31. What an intriguing thought….metals of the gods and man! Love it, Tammy!

  32. The garbage strewn is a sombre thought!

  33. Yet another poetry form to play with! Yay!

    Sobering image of strewn garbage…. reminds me of Agent Smith in The Matrix calling humans a virus…. 😦

  34. bet its eerie up there- all those bits and piececs laying around. Nice write- metal of man and god- mans metal in the space junk, gods metal in the iron redness of the planet- nice 🙂

  35. Wow all in a 5/7/5/7/7 format. Interesting that WAKA may differ from Tanka which I guess is a sort of love poem. Yet the syllabic count is the same.
    So well crafted, and so informative. It made me think and consider again our little whoville and its sister relationship to nearby planets. Thanks.

  36. enjoy how you applied the form, added a delicacy to the abandon felt in the image. ~ Rose

  37. Nice to see a poem focused on space exploration and the other wonders of the mind. Same we are leaving junk there as well

  38. You always bring such succinctness to the most impressive events.

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