prima donna cat fight

Cat Fight by Lutherniel

prima donna cat fight

they said only five miles.
(more like five hundred).
can’t stop at a decent hotel;
obession kept us going.

the sun lulled us from zombieness.
green tea in a water bottle;
oxiginated, ion free, stubborn sips
as we mono-maniacally trudge forward.

the hub of a prima donna cat fight —
she just could let go.
necklace rips off: splits the gold.
girls refrain from idle speech.

two frames of the second half
at the reunion, all laugh —
reminder of a little circle
where special relativity rules.

i shake off recollection;
neither shark nor snake repellent
keeps anyone from getting my loot.
life’s a test (or a punishment).


Hear this on chirbit


Written for:

Poetics– The Art of Letting Go

Also posted on:


Photo credit:  deviant art

About zongrik

For those of you who do not know the handle "zongrik," that would be Bat-Ami Gordin. Most people call me "Tammy." Bat-Ami means "daughter of my nation" in Hebrew. It's a heavy name to carry around. I answer to either name. I also answer to "mama." Some Basic Things about me: Animal lover, mom, poet/writer, dramatic soprano, photographer, teacher/tutor, CERT/Technician and, oh yeah, aerospace engineer. I consider myself "The Astro-Poet." To learn more about the origins of the word "zongrik" see whats-a-zongrik?

Posted on February 9, 2013, in ABC wednesday, D’verse Poets Pub, Poetry, Poets United and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 21 Comments.

  1. Love it…Last verse. Last line. Zingers. Thank you…
    do love listening to you speak your words on chirbit.

  2. I wish I had written the line “the sun lulled us from zombieness.” Awesome.

  3. becomes a punishment when we lose control of things that are better freed off… going onto the process is what makes life a test… at least thats how this goes to me… smiles…

  4. reminder of a little circle
    where special relativity rules..ha…you’re a scientist…love that it’s visible in your writing…love the touches like the green tea oxiginated, ion free…the sun lulling them in zombieness…cool write tammy

  5. Your poetry often has a certain searching depth to it. Very special quality. Unique. I like this.

  6. dang how did kelvin get so smart…this was a fresh and different approach…i appreciate that…life does feel like a test at times, wonder if it is pass fail? smiles.

  7. Sometimes it’s both… and sometimes neither. I love the images you’ve painted here. The snapped necklace especially.

  8. Obsession kept us going. Tammy, your words have a delicious gritty edge to it.

  9. I really like the image that
    “we mono-maniacally trudge forward.”
    generates in my mind. It has the feeling and rhythm of the whole poem. The last verse is also very strong.

  10. The image that came to me was a cat fight (maybe because of the image), and finally realizing that some things are not worth arguing about (like ripping off the necklace) ~

  11. I think that whether life is a test or a punishment depends on a person’s perspective. Sort of like looking at life as a glass half full or half empty. Point of view is the key.

  12. This was awesome! Love the drawing and the words along with it. What’s wrong with these chicks?

  13. Love that last stanza. I could picture a school reunion where the now women were still vying for attention or one-up-man-ship. Some things never change…

  14. very cool scene here. Love the descriptions and word choices. Wicked cool art as well.

  15. This was great you can almost feel the hair flying around you,when I you hear you read this on

  16. We can’t get along, ladies?
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  17. Great story and graphic. Sometimes life does feel like a punishment.

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