Princess Vadar

Pretty in Pink Princess Vader Costume

Princess Vadar

pale purple and pink
trendy took her fancy
thus, she chose

amateur mode
a masquerade
she no longer smiles
in private life

she was scum
lacking integrity
demanding a duel

case closed
fairy-princess too bold
but Vengeance Laws
requires fight of honor

[in some cases]
acclaimed combat skill
might be considered cheating


Written for:

Poetics: Fun fair

Also written for:

#323 – Costume

Image credit: The Official Star Wars Blog

About zongrik

For those of you who do not know the handle "zongrik," that would be Bat-Ami Gordin. Most people call me "Tammy." Bat-Ami means "daughter of my nation" in Hebrew. It's a heavy name to carry around. I answer to either name. I also answer to "mama." Some Basic Things about me: Animal lover, mom, poet/writer, dramatic soprano, photographer, teacher/tutor, CERT/Technician and, oh yeah, aerospace engineer. I consider myself "The Astro-Poet." To learn more about the origins of the word "zongrik" see whats-a-zongrik?

Posted on June 10, 2012, in D’verse Poets Pub,, Poetry and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 33 Comments.

  1. Ah, this is so cute! She does Darth proud!

  2. haha… very cute indeed! Darth would be proud 🙂

  3. Somehow, Vader just doesn’t seem so scary now 😉

  4. ok first the pic is amazing…haha…i hope that is one duel that she wins…smiles.

  5. Sure with that mask she will win the duel, let’s hope she isn’t too cruel..haha

  6. It’s all fun and games until she pokes your eye out with that cute ribbon sceptor lol. Very cute 🙂

  7. and i love used book stores…

  8. My friend,
    Beautiful picture indeed!!! Thanks for sharing this lovely post.

  9. Crazy pic! Lavender Vader – pretty cool. k.

  10. I can dig it! Very cool, I like women warrior costumes. smiles

  11. Can I borrow it sometime?

  12. very cool.. i think those are the real princesses of tomorrow that go beyond the pretty-princess-dress… and face the fights of life

  13. Really love how the image and the verse offer quite the bit of contrast. The photo is a great pic, am a big star wars fan and I’ve never heard of these costumes before, my brother in law is 1000x a bigger fan than me, in fact he just went to our local aaa baseball team’s game yesterday, simply to watch the choreographed duel between Jedis and Sith, plus they gave free light sabers out–I know he’ll want to get this for my niece, if he hasn’t seen it already. But the verse, I love how you really turn the contrast up, showing a different side of personality or perceived recognition, and end with a socially reflective turn of phrase. Great write. Thanks

  14. She deserves a working light sabre, I think! Great poem, nice and light, as befits the subject, and wonderful take on the prompt. Thanks, Tammy. Amy


  15. Have never seen a purple darth vadar fairy they come in grown up size? Jae 😉

  16. I like the way you interpreted the image and constructed the poem from it. Very cool.

  17. I agree with Fred about the contrast b/t pic and verse… and what a cutie!

  18. the photo exudes innocence but the poem seems to be about someone having fake identities. amazing contrast .

  19. poemsofhateandhope

    again- amazing word choices…ok- MY interpretation of this…is a woman taking control back. Being seen as weak…but in true VADER style- showing how powerful she is…making the CHOICE to fight…could be wrong..probably am! still…I alwasy enjoy the way you weave words and subjects together so uniquely

    • your interp is totally me, and totally my characters in screenplays. however, when writing this, i started writing to the prompts “choice” and “costume” which automatically went together. i was going to write about someone having a duel at a costume party (a lot of choices involved in that) and make up that it’s illegal to do so and blah blah…so i looked for a pic to go with this idea. found this pic. amazing pic. fit the whole theme. decided that the little girl challenged someone to a duel, and yeah, all those dichotomies everyone sees in the poem came out with the original words and the picture combined.

      think about it, in a party, in a dual, people are drunk, people are stupid. so, the person with hidden fighting skills is cheating. if this girl challenged you to a dual and had hidden combat skills, she would be cheating. that scepter could morph into a light saber. who knows!!

  20. This beautiful hope-filled photo and then, the poem with such a touch of sadness when we realize life is not all fairy tales. So well expressed.

  21. I LOVE the girly, princess side and then the kick-ass Vader side…who is she..dainty princess or menacing bad guy…I hope she’s both. Good choice!

  22. I expected this sweet princess poem from the photo. I should have known the mask meant something important.

  23. Fun and games,Tammy! We never get over it. She’s cute certainly!


  24. The tiara on the helmet is priceless! And what a nice little tribute your poem is!

  25. she could come and play at our house any day!

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