Poetic Inspiration

Robin Williams as Mork


I happen to be someone who really liked Robin Williams’s work. This is my tribute to this great comedian and actor.

Poetic Inspiration

No sign at all; just a millisecond initialized slip of a heart murmur.
He lived in a realm of constant movement, barrel-jammed
full of incandescent, exo-bizzare ingenious babbel.
He moved in disembodied spheres of contiguous contradiction.
Motivation. Incantation. Ordination. Reassertion.

To him, scintillating appetencies were lustrous sirens.
To him, bulletproof permanence was a trans-empirical
extrasensory momentary contiguous inspiration.
To him, enervative colorful uniqueness knew no caution.
Postulation. Encapsulation. Misdirection. Indiscretion.

His charismatic gaudy self-awareness was boundless.
His abstract dialectical gestures wormed into our imaginations.
Aspects of his reality were inviolable: a Gerbil wheel
to break the dysfunctional dullness of a silent full moon.
The congeners of his tortured reality hominified a final NanU.
Determination. Deliberation. Desperation. Detonation.


Hear this on Sound Cloud


This day’s challenge was to affected by Robin Williams and then to consider spending a little time with ones demons, or favorite poets. Then, choose at least 3 words from — worm, verse, dreams, suck, rout, daring, caution, seize, dead, desperation, barbaric, noble — write a poem

Written for:

the imaginary garden with real toads

A Mini-Challenge for Sunday – Carpe Diem

Also Posted on:

OpenLinkNight ~ Homecoming

About zongrik

For those of you who do not know the handle "zongrik," that would be Bat-Ami Gordin. Most people call me "Tammy." Bat-Ami means "daughter of my nation" in Hebrew. It's a heavy name to carry around. I answer to either name. I also answer to "mama." Some Basic Things about me: Animal lover, mom, poet/writer, dramatic soprano, photographer, teacher/tutor, CERT/Technician and, oh yeah, aerospace engineer. I consider myself "The Astro-Poet." To learn more about the origins of the word "zongrik" see whats-a-zongrik?

Posted on August 13, 2014, in D’verse Poets Pub, Poetry, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 23 Comments.

  1. Chuck Tedeschi

    I’m still crying when I see something about him 😥

  2. A final nanu.. The chaos of his ways – that intensity – that inspiration – there had to be a dark side we never saw. Yet for many he was that beacon shining on the darkness of our moon…

  3. Wow,so much there to take in.really great write.

  4. I think this is so sad, but a well written poem.

  5. If we were particles, he was a wave. And when we were waves – why, he was a particle. and maybe a dangling participle, too. Really, a powerful tribute and detonation, and all who admired him, our hearts have gone boom. Thanks for contributing to the garden – hope to see you around ~

  6. i love this. thank you.

  7. I was a huge fan .. Falling in love during his performance in ‘The World According To Garp’ ~ miss him. Thank you for writing this great poem.

  8. Great tribute. I like that you used his final “Nanu”, and the idea of him being on a gerbil wheel. I liked him so much too.

  9. So much there, well written. Nanu…he will be missed. Great poem!

  10. The progressive decline of the last nice is breathtakingly powerful…

  11. Amazing piece…so spot on of the essence of Robin…sometimes that never silent brain is hard to survive

  12. He was brilliant in so many ways and so is this post. Thank you for sharing this.

  13. He could make us all laugh. 🙂 We thought we were laughing with him. Perhaps we were.
    Nicely written, you covered most everything and more than I could think of.
    I am sorry that I am so late in returning your comment on mine. Thank you for peeking in.

  14. Charismatic gaudy self awareness…. this poem truly speaks to Robin

  15. he was an awesome actor… and think in some of the famous struggles we find our own as well…

  16. I admire his boundless enthusiam and energy ~ A fitting tribute to a fine man ~ I didn’t know he had inner demons to slay ~

  17. I like your tribute to Robin Williams. I like especially “His charismatic gaudy self-awareness was boundless ” So very true. Such a loss, but good that his artistic accomplishments live on.

  18. I loved him too. Your tribute is wonderful.

  19. He is missed. great tribute.

  20. Fun — and complex good memories of the dude where stirred up by your poem

  21. We have all lost a comic genius and your poem encapsulates his zany life.

  22. swear i read this one before….robin williams was def an inspiration and a face of a generation…i feel like i grew up watching him….from mork to …it is sad that he died feeling so alone….

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